Corned Beef and Curry Band
The Corned Beef and Curry Band is a highly interactive band from Pittsburgh combining Celtic music with American Classic Rock in foot stomping, hand clapping, beer-drinking fun. They are primarily known as a high-energy pub band but have a depth and diversity of music that shines in a listening environment like Steamworks. John McCann, Bob Banerjee, and Brad (Hamish) Dindak are simply wonderful entertainers that bring down the wall between performer and audience. Their latest CD called “Live-ish Irish” is a must-have for everyone who needs a soundtrack for upcoming St Patrick’s Day festivities! On February 21st the band will play many crowd favorites but also play quiet and subtle tunes that are seldom heard in crowded bars. It is sure to be a close and personal living room concert for everyone that can attend.
$15 cover
BYOB/BYOF listening room
Doors 7pm