Bob Banerjee and Mark Guiser | Fri June 18th 8pm $10 cover charge
Steamworks Creative 4967 William Flinn Hwy #6, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania$10 cover at the door BYOB BYOF
$10 cover at the door BYOB BYOF
$10 cover at the door BYOB BYOF
Steamworks Spirit Station Contemporary / Casual Spiritual Gathering hosted by guest Pastor Michael Gaskill with musical guests Joe Lege & Jackie Facebook Live & In Person
with Special Guests Sean Harris and Oliver Fleischmann
Start your weekend off right! Come on out for some great blues and rock and roll! BYOB and BYOF! $10
Steamworks Spirit Station Contemporary / Casual Spiritual Gathering hosted by Pastor Greg Spencer with musical guests Bronwyn Wain and Mike Huston Facebook Live & In Person
Singer/songwriter from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Facebook
Steamworks Spirit Station Contemporary / Casual Spiritual Gathering hosted by Pastor Greg Spencer with musical guest Josh Wood Facebook Live & In Person
1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month Songerwriter’s Circle with a Featured Artist followed by Open Stage. All Ages! 7-10pm Donations kindly accepted
Pittsburgh based musician and performer. BYOB & BYOF Doors 7pm
Pittsburgh's Classic Rock / Blues and Southern Rock Tribute Show BYOB & BYOF Doors 7pm
Starring: The Original Kings Of Carson St. David Granati, Joey Granati, John Hasinger, Danny McElroy, Ron Soltis, Matt Tichon, Ben Tryc Guest Musicians: Bob Banerjee, Jason Kendall, Greg McIltrot SUNDAY…JULY 11, 2021 MUSIC 6 PM - 8 PM LIVE at Steamworks Creative, Gibsonia-- Doors at 5 pm for meet 'n' greet with supper, 6-8 music, […]
Steamworks Spirit Station Contemporary / Casual Spiritual Gathering hosted by Pastor Greg Spencer with musical guest Slim Forsythe Facebook Live & In Person
Pappy, Alex & Al
Summer is the perfect time to gather some friends for a fun night of hot tunes with Second Breakfast at the most wonderful music hotspot Steamworks Creative! Bring your favorite drinks and snacks! BYOB $10 cover at the door