Week of Events
Open Mic hosted and featuring students of Sing Sing Sing
Open Mic hosted and featuring students of Sing Sing Sing
First Tuesday of the Month Open Mic hosted and featuring students of Sing Sing Sing! Will be open to public. Come SING with us! Donations appreciated. #steamworkscreative #listeningroom #acousticmusic #singersongwriter #SitBackRelaxListenToTheMusic
An Evening with Arte Tedesco and Will Franklin with Special Guest Martin Vincent | Advance Ticket Show
An Evening with Arte Tedesco and Will Franklin with Special Guest Martin Vincent | Advance Ticket Show
An Evening with Arte Tedesco and Willy Franklin Songs From The Book of Life! His...And Yours! Official Website: www.ArteTedesco.com Official YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN4MRCF2PcmINgrPD0Atl2g? Facebook: Arte Tedesco Fans Former lead singer/writer for The Haywire Band with special guest Martin Vincent BUY TICKETS NOW $15 Advance Tickets - $20 at Door (if available) BYOB listening room Doors open […]
Bill Toms | Advance Ticket Show
Bill Toms | Advance Ticket Show
While it’s hard to put a finger on any one sound that defines “American music,” the compositions of Bill Toms are as close a template as any. The Pittsburgh native, along with his band Hard Rain, delivers a sound that takes the greatest of America’s most beloved genres and melds them into a poetic representation […]