Week of Events
Annual Shady Lady XMas Party and Acoustic Open Stage Jam
Annual Shady Lady XMas Party and Acoustic Open Stage Jam
- Dec 24th - Noon to 4/5p - Open to all - BYOB - Some beverage and snacks will be provided Stop by and say hi. Mingle with other musicians, meet local music fans Play some songs, or just kick back and listen #steamworkscreative #listeningroom #acousticmusic #singersongwriter #openstage #openmic #SitBackRelaxListenToTheMusic
Steamworks Sessions
Steamworks Sessions
Steamworks Sessions 7:30pm - 10pm hosted by Mary Lou Scherder with Featured Artist followed by Open Stage.
Damaged Pies
Damaged Pies
Damaged Pies Established 1987 Pittsburgh, Pa. https://thedamagedpies.bandcamp.com https://youtu.be/X47yU_JJCVA Since its' inception, Damaged Pies has played and recorded at some of the most legendary venues in world. From CBGB's in New York City to the Whisky a-go-go in L.A., from Liverpool's Cavern to Sun Studio in Memphis to Trident Studios in London, from Farm Aid Eve […]