CLOSED – No Eclectic Night

Steamworks Creative 4967 William Flinn Hwy #6, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania

Lou Ross hosts Eclectic Night every Fourth Wednesday of the month. Join Lou as Steamworks explores the Creative side of Music. Music | Art | Spoken Word All Ages Welcome - Donations Accepted #steamworkscreative #listeningroom #eclectic #music #art #spokenword #SitBackRelaxListenToTheMusic

David O’s Karaoke Show

Steamworks Creative 4967 William Flinn Hwy #6, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania

David Oleniacz has been hosting karaoke shows for nearly two decades and entertaining crowds locally for over 40 years. His only goal is to make sure everyone has a good time. Donations Kindly Accepted

Event Series All Ages Full Band Open Stage

All Ages Full Band Open Stage

Steamworks Creative 4967 William Flinn Hwy #6, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania

Second Wednesday of the month,  Ian Arthurs hosts the All Ages Full Band Open Stage (Electric & Acoustic Open Stage) All drums, amps, and a keyboard will be provided for use. ??? Electric and Acoustic players welcome, even full bands! #steamworkscreative #listeningroom#acousticmusic #singersongwriter #openstage#SitBackRelaxListenToTheMusic

Sarah Tilghman

Steamworks Creative 4967 William Flinn Hwy #6, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania

At every defining moment, you’re faced with fear. The anxiety kicks in and suddenly who you thought you were and what you thought you wanted doesn’t seem so clear any longer. It’s a place of tension where you get to choose to follow your heart or follow fear. That’s why Sarah Tilghman makes music. Sarah […]


Second Breakfast

Steamworks Creative 4967 William Flinn Hwy #6, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania

Enjoy an evening with local band Second Breakfast as they infuse some Holiday favorites into their eclectic bluesy set list! Be sure to bring your favorite holiday beverage and snacks as we celebrate the season! $10 cover/ BYOB


Annual Shady Lady XMas Party and Acoustic Open Stage Jam

Steamworks Creative 4967 William Flinn Hwy #6, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania

- Dec 24th - Noon to 4/5p - Open to all - BYOB - Some beverage and snacks will be provided Stop by and say hi. Mingle with other musicians, meet local music fans Play some songs, or just kick back and listen #steamworkscreative #listeningroom #acousticmusic #singersongwriter #openstage #openmic #SitBackRelaxListenToTheMusic

Paul Mac N’at

Steamworks Creative 4967 William Flinn Hwy #6, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania

Howlin’ at the Moon

Steamworks Creative 4967 William Flinn Hwy #6, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania