7 events found.
Week of Events
Steamworks Spirit Station hosted by Pastor Greg Spencer musical guests Miss Freddye Stover & “The Glory Be Band” | Tue Sept 14th 7pm Facebook Live & In Person
Steamworks Spirit Station Contemporary / Casual Spiritual Gathering hosted by Pastor Greg Spencer with musical guest Facebook Live & In Person
Bubs McKeg ~ Art and Music II
Bubs McKeg ~ Art and Music II
Some of Bubs latest artwork for display and sale, along with an afternoon of music.
Steamworks Sessions hosted by Mary Lou Scherder | Featured Artist Lou Antonucci
Steamworks Sessions hosted by Mary Lou Scherder | Featured Artist Lou Antonucci
1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month Songerwriter’s Circle with a Featured Artist followed by Open Stage. All Ages! 7-10pm Donations kindly accepted
Joe Newtz and Hats Off
Joe Newtz and Hats Off
Joe Newtz Western Pennsylvania singer-songwriter Joe Newtz has been writing songs for more than two decades and he seems to have a lot of diverse musical influences and manages to fuse them into a signature sound. This speaks well for his songwriting talent as you can hear influences ranging from Gregg Allman to Pearl Jam, […]