7 events found.
Week of Events
Steamworks Spirit Station hosted by Pastor Greg with musical guests
Steamworks Spirit Station hosted by Pastor Greg with musical guests
Steamworks Spirit Station Contemporary / Casual Spiritual Gathering hosted by Pastor Greg Spencer with musical guest Facebook Live & In Person
Steamworks Sessions hosted by Mary Lou Scherder
Steamworks Sessions hosted by Mary Lou Scherder
1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month Songerwriter’s Circle with a Featured Artist followed by Open Stage. All Ages! 7-10pm Donations kindly accepted
theCAUSE is a band consisting of 5 Pittsburgh musicians who have all been around the proverbial block.  Playing tunes from Grateful Dead, Phish, The Beatles, Bob Dylan and MORE, including some very tasty originals, theCAUSEpacks a punch while still paying close attention to the delicate touch. The players are Eric "Pappy" Weingrad on guitar and vocals (Double […]